Every starting of HB with the CC loaded, it checks my Subversion and look for a new update. When an update is found, it proposes you to upgrade the CustomClass.
Weird doesn't seem to work at all for me.. Won't target anything, and even if I manually target, it clears target and stands there being killed.
LazyRaider , trying bgbuddy now.. Even worse with bgbuddy.. I must be doing something wrong. Whole targetting system seems to be broken
It's far from working correctly.. Unless the intention is.. If Horde toon = Die and let ally win... no worries.. DELETED....
Testing now on a 82 hunter. EDIT: Didnt work that great at 82, was getting alot of deserter in AV and now I know why ! Trying it again when I hit 83!
First test... In WSG atm. Pretty good so far. The only thing thats wrong with it is LoS around corners. EDIT : 10 kills 5 deaths 2.4 million damage done. It was really good. It was a very close intense game too. EDIT 2: lol has no problem disengaging off the level in EOTS @ flag EDIT 3: When it uses Deterrence, id say 30% of the time is runs up to the target and has a seizure. EDIT 4: I am reading some peoples issues... I am not having any targeting issues or anything like other people are having... I followed the exact spec for hunter / pet and glyphs. so i dunno what some peoples problems are.
Testing it now - just got done in AV 4kb, no deaths. Top 3, but it's AV so who knows.. It's pretty exciting though because it melted 4 faces like a boss.
Used it a bunch in BG's last night - working pretty damn well I must say - huge +rep and hopefully a donation when I have money The only thing I would request you taking a look at is the targeting abilities using CombatBot or LazyRaider (Or anything other than BGBuddy really), it seems to have a problem with the user selecting a target to attack, where it just un-selects them and does its own thing. This is simply a problem for things such as Arenas. At least, it was for me - don't know if anyone else has a solution...
Thanks I confirm the issue. I'm working on it and I'm trying to fix the spin effect that Kaboom99 is encountering also.
Extremely good CC. Only thing is, the whole running close to the enemy. Maybe you could implement a wing clip or something to get away, cause if they get a slow on you its GG.
OMG i love that CC 4 PvP now i bot the 3th day with this cc and it's awesome *_____* thanks thanks thanks <3 ^^
Thanks a lot for this CC, also thumbs up for the starting post! All very clear and easy to set up this way. Looks very promising!
Only one thing anoying me is the LoS issue, he keep trying to hit targets when not in LoS in every bg =/