The only comments I can make on the EJ Affliction stuff is that that's all great when you're trying to burn down a single target (using Bane of Doom, etc). But when you're doing multiple targets and NOT using SoC (there's a breakpoint when SoC becomes useful) it is useful to be applying all of your DoT's on all of the targets and you can only cast BoD on a single target. ski's CC handled that great. You could toggle on or off if you wanted to burn down a single target at a time or handle a group. Beyond that if you went into "AE" mode you could toggle if you wanted to use SoC or not. This was useful in situations when you couldn't do a full on SoC burn down of a group (which there are many cases where this is the case... mostly aggro related nowadays). So basically you need a variable to set the Single Target / AE threshold. Most of the CC's seem to set this at 5, which works well. So below that, while Soul Swap is neat, the CC almost never has a chance to use it due to the damage ticks that are going on against the various targets... Especially since you're going to be using Drain Soul under 25% (and most people won't use Soul Swap until it is under 10% and by then the ticks of damage make that an impossibly small window). So it should just dot the crap out of every aggro target that's within 10-15 units of the primary target (being the first guy you cast at). Takes more mana, but I've never had an issue with mana recently. Also, Soul Swap is really only useful if you've got it glyphed. And if you do you can only use it every 10 seconds, etc, etc... Since Bane of Doom can only be cast on a single target, if you are in a situation where there are multiple targets it should realize that if it can't cast Bane of Doom it should cast Bane of Agony. Yes, BoA scales up over 24 seconds, but it is at least extra damage that you're applying, especially if the BoD target is still up. So basically... in a nutshell: 1) If over the AE threshold then it should SoC 2) If under the AE threshold but with multiple targets, it should do the EJ list on the primary target... As soon as all DoTs are on it and you've stacked the debuff with Shadowbolt you should cast Corruption, Unstable Affliction, and Bane of Agony on all other viable targets and then go back to Shadowbolting the primary. 3) Once primary is dead, rinse and repeat. Doing this will net you a DPS loss on the primary target, but a DPS increase on the currently aggro'd group as a whole. This will equate to faster overall kill times when you're working on packs of targets. Oh, and it should use the Infernal as often as it can. We'll talk about the modifications to this behavior (basically additions) for PvP later.
When I can find an hour or two to do so, I plan on coming up with different rotations for the following scenarios: Demonology Leveling, Demonology Instance, Affliction Leveling, Affliction Instance, Destruction Instance, and perhaps later when I have more time to reasearch, some PvP logic for all three specs as well. I also would like to include what my opinion of pet behaviors should be, as well as when to use cooldowns, etc. Is there anything else you would like information on CodenameG? I want to do all I can to improve the development of this much needed CC.
so really you guys want something where the tree logic looks like this, instead of how amplify is setup, where its one logic tree per spec, but things are included and excluded if in battleground. Spec Branch Mode Logic Zerfall-- LowLevel-- PVE-- Leveling Demoology-- PVE-- Intances- Got Adds- Normal Grinding- Got Adds- PVP-- StandAlonegBG-PVP Logic Affliction-- PVE-- Intances- Got Adds- Normal Grinding- Got Adds- PVP-- StandAlonegBG-PVP Logic Demolition-- PVE-- Intances- Got Adds- Normal Grinding- Got Adds- PVP-- StandAlonegBG-PVP Logic
i like the tree code ... a true pvp leveling in 1 would be awsome ya should do that with ya mage too >< or maybe im just too slow to figure out how 2 set it up
I believe he's refering to the fact he's got a hunter cc that works quite nicely and they perosn said there is zero.
Looking forward to testing this out later. Been using ski's but as noted there, after 80 its well very lack luster. Finally a CC with the potential to take over the class
Using the Voidwalker is only useful until you get the required pet for Affliction. Especially once 4.1 comes out and we get to switch back to the FelPuppy (Yay!). The VW is useful for taking on certain really tough Elites when out solo (mostly due to his damage shield) but beyond that if you're leveling you should be putting a couple of points in the Talent to heal your pet when you do damage, anyway. But even without that, the DPS increase you get using the correct combat pet offsets the need to use the Voidwalker. The window for DoT's is such that with a CC you don't need to worry about the 2 second "clip" window anymore, especially with the instant cast 1 second GCD DoTs we have (and corruption be re-applied by multiple other spells). Also, if you have BoA on something you certainly don't want to clip it at the 2 second mark as those last 2 seconds do most of the damage of that DoT. I'd just set it up to re-cast if they are off (or off cooldown in Haunt's case). Speaking of... I'd cast BoD on any Elite critter that you are targeting, not just Bosses. Especially since it isn't the "Wait until the end and then do all the damage" spell anymore. As long as something lives for more then 15 seconds (which most elites will), it is useful to cast. Otherwise you'd cast BoA on everything else while your BoD is active. I'd agree that you shouldn't cast BoA on anything with less then 50% health (if we're not talking bosses here), but UA and Corruption should be kept up until the 25% mark. I've seen a DPS increase by not keeping them up. Soul Swap is only useful if you've got the Glyph. Even with that I've found you're DPS is better if you're just dotting the other targets anyway (if you're not using SoC). You should also have it Soulburn: Drain Life if you can. Helps when you get to one of the emergency situations. Oh, and no one ever seems to put in using the cookie. If you're at <20% you should use the cookie first, then worry about the rest. You should have a Health Funnel for after combat. Post-Combat you want to take the time to get your pet back up to 60% (I do 80%) health. I've also found that if I wait until the pet is at 20% health before I Health Funnel, it is generally too late. Once 4.1 hits we will want Demon Soul to be at the top of the priority list since we'll be using the Felpuppy. Basically you'll want it up every single time you're in combat and it is off cooldown. So it should be at the top of the list before you start casting dots. Oh! Also, any time we're AE'ing we should also be using the Infernal. The extra DPS helps. Think that's about it until I get to see it in action.
well your a mage what you expect? LOL i know my shammy can take on 2 mages head on and i've seen them fight for 3 or 4 minutes before the mage runs outta mana and ya its never pretty LOL I do lose a few but who in their right mind takes on a full geared pvp healer by themselves? specially when the healer CAN fight back LOL
With Warlock it's pretty much the same thing... All you do is *add* stuff... Like the three flavors of Fear that we have (Death Coil for the win).
ok so we have a plan now unfortunately i have a project i need to wrap up before i can really push on getting this CC to a working level. legaston from lazylock also wants to lend a hand so that will really help things. so here in the next week, week and a half once i finish the my current project, ill push hard on Zerfall and get a working version out. what id like is to get some people who play locks and really know the class and the spells well, on skype to not only test and find bugs, but also to help with the creation, in terms of how things should work. if you think your this person or what to help, send me a PM and ill get back to you. Thank You all for your ideas and support so far, CodenameG
Welp, I'm really looking forward to this CC, I've got a lock stuck at lvl 70 that hasn't been played since BC, and it's the last toon I've got on one account to take to 85, so really excited about this. If it's 1/2 as good as your mage CC it's gonna be great, leveled a Frost mage to 85 using your CC and only thing that caused death was HB being stupid, lol. From what I've read on EJ Demo is the way to go now for leveling up from 1-85, then once maxed swap to Destro for raiding. Which if I remember back in the day, that's pretty much the same as it was then. Anyway, good luck with it, and looking forward to taking it out for a spin
Demo is nice for leveling, but pretty much all three specs work fine. I leveled with Affliction and could just tear through things even without the Demo pet. And what you use for raiding really depends on who you raid with. Especially with the upcoming 4.1 changes, Affliction goes back to being the top damage dealer for Warlocks (Yay Felpuppy!).
Oh! Something else that you should be thinking about with this CC... The ability to allow people to toggle off movement (or support there in). Many times I'll use a CC while in a group doing dungeons. I don't want it to move me *at all*, but I still want it to be going through all of the combat stuff. So yes, if I'm out of range I don't want it to move me in range. If I'm running and it tries to cast I don't want it to stop me and try and cast. Just in both cases I expect WoW to just be throwing "out of range" and "can't cast while moving" errors on screen. So having the ability for it me to toggle movement off/on (and have it actually work) is very key.
I've put together a rough Demo PVP routine for singular. Will that help? Keen to get A demo lock PVP out asap. Have you considered helping with Singular (I know very few people actually HELP considering it's a 'community' project)?