no zinkh for me but i went to school today and just came home to see the doll and the caster ring in my inventory on my DK -.-
You reckon it's possible to get the ZR when capped at 450/450, so Cata digsites wont open up yet and you'll have more troll digsites (relatively)? Or do you need 450+ for sure?
Got Zin'Rokh today somewhere between the 472 and 489 troll solve was in my bags when I woke up. Cheer
correct me if I'm wrong, but if you blacklist all sites except troll, you could very well end up getting stuck because new sites will not show until you dig an existing site
Not true, AB will still survey the blacklisted site until another troll site spawns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
excellent...thanks for the info, I just tried it and that's what AB did...grabs the next closest digsite
so pretty much the secret to acquiring this seems to be as long as you can't use it or don't need it, it'll pop as a project
I used arch buddy for like 6 days straight 24/7 farming before i finally got it on my pally, then while using archy on my Dk got it around lvl 450 first day i started using archbuddy.... it's all luck
Can you get the Zub Rokh with an arch level of 450? So if I never train the last leg of arch so the Twilight digsites dont show up.
If you look here it shows the skill needed for each item Archaeology rewards - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft Hope this helps, Rob.
I got it at lvl 75 exactly as I dinged I went to dalaran trained and got it on 13 solves? or something I forget lol. Anyways if I make a DK lvl it to 85, then xfer it to another account with the sword can my main with arch find another one? that way I can have an army of dk's all with it lol